Resource protection through sustainable land management in the logistics industry

The booming logistics industry is particularly affected by land use conflicts and scarcity of land. This is where Logist.Plus comes in with an integrated land management in order to achieve sustainability goals. This should combine governance structures spanning spatial categories with approaches of cooperative environmental and transport management. To this end, eight partners from science, territorial authorities and businesses work together.
Goals and approach
Logist.Plus develops solutions that do not stop at municipal boundaries. This includes the development of indicators and the identification of conflicting goals between actors in order to enable land saving through coordinated and cooperative land use options, ecological optimization of the location selection processes as well as synergetic logistics processes through cooperation in regional networks.
Expected results and transfer
The results of the project will be the development of innovative instruments, methods and processes for a reduced soil sealing and reduced land use competition as well as an improved balancing of interests. Innovative business models and the involvement of municipal partners in order to exchange knowledge and deepen trustful cooperation are important. This helps to reduce harmful environmental impacts and increases profitability in terms of a sustainability transition in logistics.
Project Lead / Contact
Prof. Martin Franz
Osnabrück University
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49074 Osnabrück
Telephone: +49 541 969 4277
Email: martin.franz@uni-osnabrueck.de

Project Profile
Funding Measure:
Project Cluster:
Integrated Urban Development
Project Title:
Logist.Plus - Resource protection with Logistics plus
01.02.2020 – 31.01.2023 (Phase 1)
Project Number:
Funding Amount:
1.476.621,41 € (Phase 1)
- European Land and Soil Alliance e.V.
- Hochschule Osnabrück
- Landkreis Osnabrück
- Kompetenznetz Individuallogistik e.V.
- Kreis Steinfurt
- Stadt Osnabrück
- Osnabrück University
- Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.
Website: www.logist-plus.de
June 2020