Design of attractive forms of settlement for the 21st century

Prospering metropolitan regions face considerable challenges, especially the increasing pressure on land as a resource. Rising demand for housing, industry and infrastructure at the expense of agricultural land is obvious. At the same time, the structure of agriculture is changing due to various influences. How can we meet the growing demand for land without losing the quality and identity of the cultural landscape at the same time?
Goals and approaches
For a better understanding of the ongoing land use patterns, different realistic land-use scenarios for the study region were developed. "Business as Usual” and a “Sustainable Future” scenarios are being modeled in order to identify problems as well as the need for action. The main drivers of land use and their specific interests will be identified by an stakeholderoriented approach.
Furthermore, innovative land use concepts integrating settlements, agriculture and landscape for a sustainable development on the regional and local level are systematically developed and implemented on selected focus areas. Appropriate governance approaches for implementation will be proposed.
Expected results and transfer
Main results include innovative settlement concepts for the 21st century which meet the goals and principles of livable communities, environmentally sound agriculture and multifunctional landscapes. The conceptual focus is on more efficient land use, multifunctional use of open spaces, new forms of housing and living due to lifestyle changes and demography as well as realizing optimal synergies between settlements, agriculture and nature conservation.
Project Lead / Contact
Prof. Dr. Theo Kötter
University of Bonn
Group of Urban Planning and Land Management
Telephone: +49 228 73-2610

Project Profile
Funding Measure:
Project Cluster:
Dynamic Housing Market Regions
Project Title:
NACHWUCHS – Agri-Urban Perspectives of Sustainable Growth in a Metropolitan Region
01.07.2018 – 30.06.2023
Project Number:
Funding Amount:
2.391.848 €
- Rhein-Erft-County, Bergheim
- RWTH Aachen University, Group of Landscape Architecture
- gaiac – Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment e.V. at RWTH Aachen
- empirica Research & Consulting, Bonn
Co-operation Partners:
- Landwirtschaftskammer NRW
- Universität Heidelberg
June 2020