Coordinated Action for Sustainable Regional Housing Development

Population growth in Leipzig and Halle/Saale is leading to a lack of affordable housing in both cities and to an increasing settlement pressure in the surrounding areas. An integrated housing concept coordinated by the two major cities and municipalities in the adjoining districts aims to prevent an unorderly extension of residential areas. Measurements for land saving and needs-based housing development are especially important, since parts of the region increasingly face depopulation tendencies.
Goals and approach
To encourage and support cooperation between municipalities, the project establishes a practicable monitoring system. Its purpose is to analyze and visualize local data on development trends and to identify small-scale development requirements. A cooperative process of participation and negotiation with the municipalities provides the basis for the concept, considering mobility patterns and housing demands of the local population. The importance of smaller and medium-sized regional centres, preferred housing locations, requirements for future residential developments as well as integrated mobility solutions must be discussed and tested for practicability.
Expected results and transfer
Based on the housing concept, recommendations for action are derived for the state spatial planning and regional planning. The planning instruments, as a combined system for identifying locations for sustainable housing development which is developed in the R&D phase for the region of Halle/Leipzig, are to be transferred to the region of Jena. The instruments are to be tested for their applicability to other regions and critically evaluated in regards to sustainability and target relevance.
Project Lead / Contact
Dr. Annedore Bergfeld
Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Schongauerstr. 9
04328 Leipzig
Telephone: +49 341 60055-140

Project Profile
Funding Measure:
Project Cluster:
Dynamic Housing Market Regions
Project Title:
Interko2 – Integrated Housing Development Concept in the Metropolitan Growth Area of Leipzig and Halle (Saale)
01.08.2018 – 31.07.2023
Project Number:
Funding Amount:
1.352.935 €
- Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- City of Leipzig
- District of Leipzig
- City of Halle (Saale)
- District of Northern Saxony
- Saalekreis District
- City of Jena
- Saale-Holzland District
- Regional Planning Association (RPV) Leipzig-Westsachen
June 2020